
Germanic goddesses and the quantum philosophical show

A different view on the world

Author: Dipl. Germ. Petra Baumgart
Category: Celts/Germanic tribes
Issue No: 94

This article is not written about goddesses, but in the spirit of the female divine vision. Seerinnen were also goddesses among the Germanic peoples, and so the following text is an example of the practical application of a soulful and spiritualized vision to the world in which everything is alive. The Germanic goddesses and the Norns participate here together with male deities and humans in the great world being.


Memory of my ancestors
Covered by the Teutonic night,
protected by the heroic forest
illuminated by the magic moon,
embraced by the lake –
reflecting in its water stars –
you, my beloved ancestors,
defying all destruction,
standing upright
head uplifted
all-knowing view
carrying the cosmos in YOU,
in my heart.

Holzhausen – Externstein, May 17, 2007

These were my first feelings, my first sensations, when I dived into the ancient place of my ancestors. Since then I have been on a journey through the world together with them, just as it has been custom and practice in our culture since time immemorial: Divine fate is human fate – human fate is divine fate. So “simply” our ancestors lived in and with the All-unity. Their divine self-awareness guided their everyday life on earth. From this direct and unadulterated experience in themselves they drew their immeasurable strength, purity of soul and morals, as Cornelius Tacitus described them in his “Germania” (98 B.C.). Yes, they dared almost immeasurable things for the divine, because their fate was inseparably interwoven with it. In league with this heavenly power, even the once mighty Roman empire wavered and sank. It remained for the Romans a perpetual mystery where these Teutons came from, what their divine origin and their cults – their culture – were.

Love is the original source of the cosmos
Thousands of years before the turn of time in the Germanic areas a particularly deep intimacy was cultivated concerning the birth mysteries. This is by no means “only” testified by the Urmutter figurine (called: Venus) from the Hohlen Fels near Blaubeuren with its proven age of 42,000 years, but also by the Herta legends and the Nertus cult. These cults were solar mysteries for the harmonization of the black and the light visible sun. Through them the conscious man connected himself with the crystalline heart of the earth (= the black hole), its nuclear sound and its rhythm until he saw, felt and sensed the light sun spark in his heart. He saw and felt the fusion of both suns in his heart (cold fusion); he was born anew thereby. Because our earthly world is a project full of communication openings to the parallel universes. The place for this I already described in my book “Esu Krist the native Germanic”: It is the fifth heart chamber.





Since our heart chakra is pulsed by the rhythm of Venus, the five heart chambers are the human organ (antennae) to receive the vibrations of her five-rayed star (the pentagram formed in her eight-year orbit around planet Earth).

Because we humans are star-born according to our origin, this was to be felt in our primal cults with every body cell.
Especially in the solar mysteries, the human being felt through self-awareness that love is the divine power and the divine force that truly moves and harmonizes everything:

“Love is bonding in the primordial structure”.
“Love is the primordial source of the cosmos”, this is how the physicist Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr summarized it in his wonderful book.

This cosmic knowledge of our ancestors is also reflected in the linguistic relationship of “heart” and “earth” in Old Saxon: “herta” = heart; “ertha” = earth. This linguistic example testifies that our ancestors felt “heart” and “earth” in an immediate animated all-unity. They felt in their hearts the pulse beat of the goddess ERDA by connecting with the black earth sun. Thus we felt: The Divine is in my heart.



Since our heart chakra is pulsed by the rhythm of Venus, the five heart chambers are the human organ (antennae) to receive the vibrations of her five-rayed star (the pentagram formed in her eight-year orbit around planet Earth).

Because we humans are star-born according to our origin, this was to be felt in our primal cults with every body cell.
Especially in the solar mysteries, the human being felt through self-awareness that love is the divine power and the divine force that truly moves and harmonizes everything:

“Love is bonding in the primordial structure”.
“Love is the primordial source of the cosmos”, this is how the physicist Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr summarized it in his wonderful book.

This cosmic knowledge of our ancestors is also reflected in the linguistic relationship of “heart” and “earth” in Old Saxon: “herta” = heart; “ertha” = earth. This linguistic example testifies that our ancestors felt “heart” and “earth” in an immediate animated all-unity. They felt in their hearts the pulse beat of the goddess ERDA by connecting with the black earth sun. Thus we felt: The Divine is in my heart.



“The great bringer forth” is enthroned on rock 2 of the Externsteine.



“In the very early stage of embryology, we find pulsating blood in the young embryo, still completely without vessels, let alone with a heart. Only gradually do the vessels form around the pulsating blood. In the embryo, the cardiac anlage is located above the structure that later becomes the head including the brain, and then migrates in a semicircular motion into the thorax. In other words:

The heart and brain exchange their abodes in early embryonic development.
What was once connected remains connected, even when spatially separated.” This phenomenon is what quantum physics calls entanglement. It is in close connection with the spaceless and timeless being, in close communication with the parallel universes, in an everlasting association with love as an emotional property of the primordial field. Therefore, the Germanic goddesses/seers taught the incarnated souls of their tribes from birth to look at the outer world through their hearts and to understand it in its all-unity. This was one of their primary tasks.

The equation of the terms “goddess” and “seeress” is permissible. Also a seeress, also a goddess was always “first among equals” with the Teutons.
About the word “goddess” Grimm states: “… in actual use of female deities of different Christian religions, but quite without perceptible accent in the sense of the idolatrous … in comparative relation or direct transfer to earthly women. Binding conceptions are beauty, but also that of superhuman perfection, worthy of worship and adoration.”

About the author: Dipl.-Germ. Petra Baumgart

Petra Baumgart, studied German language and literature at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and the Humboldt University in Berlin; graduated with a diploma. Since 2007 retreat due to illness: authenticity is healing.

Website: tanfana-verlag.de

This article has also been published on the German Website: Germanische Göttinnen und die quantenphilosophische Schau

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