Learn more about Conscious Creation.

Learn more about Conscious Creation.
The full article on Burkhard Heim describes in detail his scientific career beyond academia as well as his sophisticated world formula that integrates different aspects of the world.
Learn more about quantum philosophy.
Can modern physics prove esotericism? Category: PhysicsReviewer: Dr. Stephan Krall To review a book in Tattva Viveka that rides an attack against this newspaper and also me personally, can that go well? I will give it a try. This is the second expanded and updated edition. The author’s concern is the fact that, in his …
Learn more about the spiritual connections of evolutionary theory, quantum theory, and process theory.
Can modern physics prove esotericism? Category: PhysicsReviewer: Dr. Stephan Krall To review a book in Tattva Viveka that rides an attack against this newspaper and also me personally, can that go well? I will give it a try. This is the second expanded and updated edition. The author’s concern is the fact that, in his …
The discovery of a new kind of human being Author: Birgit Trappmann The author studied high sensitivity scientifically for many years and associates it with two different modes of perception. There is the analytic-serial and the holistic. She distinguishes two types of people, the sensory and the sensitive, they are as fundamentally different as man …
On the historical traces of a synthesis Author: Prof. Dr. Orestis Terzidis Natural science has radically changed our view of man and the world in recent centuries. This change has profound consequences for our approach to technology and nature, but also for our understanding of religion and art, science, of society and politics. Modern ways …