Social activist, scientist and ecofeminist Author: Claudia NussbaumerCategory: Ecology Vandana Shiva (* November 5, 1952 in Dehradun) is a scientist, social activist and globalization critic, as well as author of numerous books. She has received several awards for her commitment to environmental protection, biodiversity, women’s rights and sustainability. She was awarded the Right Livelihood Award …
EcoHealing Course by Reflorestar Portugal
Author: Marina Nobre In this 10-day experience in the mountains of Portugal, we took participants from the individual dimension of health self-knowledge and awareness to community skills, collective decision-making, and environmental regeneration; this spiral of understanding from micro to macro is our way of showing that in order to heal the earth, we must heal …
Portrait about Vandana Shiva
Social activist, scientist and ecofeminist Author: Claudia Nussbaumer Vandana Shiva (* November 5, 1952 in Dehradun) is not only a scientist, social activist and globalization critic. She is as well author of numerous books and phrases criticism on agriculture. For her commitment to environmental protection, biodiversity, women’s rights and sustainability she won many awards. Among …
Free will, creative power and the good life
Introduction Author: Elisabeth Loibl Systems of domination and money fixation push what is actually elementary into the background. Namely the good life itself, our manifold relationships with each other and the appreciation of Mother Earth. But the question is how to achieve and lead a different way of life. Researchers on matriarchal societies and subsistence …
Homo donans
About discovering a life-friendly civilization of the gift Author: MMag.a Simone Wörer Matriarchal societies show a life-friendly way, in which not the exchange but the gift is the central element. They do this on an economical level and also in lifestyle. The basic principle of the gift sees the human being as what he …
The nature in us
Introduction to ecopsychology Author: Marc Schmuziger Ecopsychology encompasses and integrates disciplines with each other. From shamanism to philosophy and systems theory to psychology and ecology. In order to dissolve the dualism in the thinking of Western societies and to open the view on the unity of life. This supposed separation led us to alienate ourselves …
The earth soul and its entities
The true nature of plants and people Author: Amira Meyer Modern life shows remarkable progress, from education to medicine to technologies. At the same time, environmental degradation and exploitation of nature and its plants are growing. What has happened? Man has lost contact with the Earth Soul and its entities, and thus with himself. With …
The forgotten nature of money
Mammon’s long awaited return to the bosom of Mother Nature Author: Lothar Gütter “You cannot serve God and Mammon,” it says already in the Bible. Mammon, which has lost itself in a delimited world and has developed its own cancerous nature. This we use again today as a proper means, embedded in the cycle of …