At the beginning there was a mother

What can we learn from matriarchal societies today? Author: Heide Göttner-Abendroth The founder of Modern Matriarchal Studies, Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth, shares with us the findings of her decades of research on societies living in matriarchy. She dispels clichés and prejudices about these societies. Characterizing them is egalitarianism, grassroots democracy and a deep reverence for Mother …

Depth Ecology

Healing feelings and the power of connectedness Author: Andreas Schelakovsky, Mag. Sabine Rohart What can we do to heal our relationship to the earth? Depth ecology points to a path that goes through our feelings. Whereby it is not about feeling only “beautiful” things, but about going into the depths. There, on the one hand, …