How we can reach transcendence Author: Ronald Engert Especially in today’s world, sexuality is becoming more and more important and is sometimes seen as the highest thing we humans can experience. However, there are joys of the soul beyond this, which go far beyond sexuality. Sex is not everything in the world. But sometimes it …
Transpersonal Self
Inner wisdom and the longing for liberation Author: Dr. Sylvester Walch For the spiritual traditions and transpersonal psychology, we are far more than the personal-individual self that has continuously emerged throughout life. This cosmic self goes beyond the limited horizon of our individual personality. It is transpersonal and connects us to the great mystery. In …
The personal Self
Diversity and Individuality in Jewish Mysticism Author: Ronald Engert In the Jewish mysticism of Kabbalah we find a hermetic correspondence of transcendence and immanence, of spirit and matter. The unifying element of these two spheres is the personal self, our individual soul identity, for God created man in His image. The diversity in the material …
The transpersonal dimension of death
The question of the meaning of life Author: Dr. Sylvester Walch Dying is an indispensable part of human life. There is no way around it and it affects everyone. Yet in our society there is more silence about death than about any other topic. For transpersonal psychology, dying is an essential point of reference. For …
Transcendent Dreaming
The Adventurous Journey to the Origin of Our Being Author: Bartosz Werner Can we grow spiritually in dreaming and come closer to our pure, immortal self? Yes, says the author, by freeing ourselves from our fear of death and lovingly accepting it in our dreams. Already ancient cultures speak of this „initiatory death“ in which …
The african rainbow has a new color
The african rainbow has a new color Author: Christa Zettel On one hand, Africa is considered the cradle of humanity both evolutionarily and culturally. On the other hand, no other continent has suffered so much exploitation, violence and oppression. It is time to turn to Africa’s cultural and spiritual heritage. In order to understand the …