From self-understanding to self-knowledge

On the profound meaning of healing in Ayurveda Author: Michael Rohrschneider Ayurvedic science shows us a way of life in harmony with nature. If we observe its laws, it helps us not only to physical healing, but moreover to true inner self-knowledge. Michael Rohrschneider knows that this requires more than just the accumulation of knowledge. …

Astrosophy – or “the wisdom of the stars

 A centuries-old celestial science Author: Susanne Pallagi Astrosophy leads a rather shadowy existence next to scientific astronomy and spiritually oriented astrology. But they are a triad, which only together can interpret the stars and make them accessible for humans. Thus in astrosophy, the focus is on the wisdom of the stars and their philosophical interpretation. …

The Midway

Theology and Practice in Islam Author: Gönül Yerli Religious educator Gönül Yerli speaks with great enthusiasm about her faith and the religion to which she belongs, Islam. In conversation, she provides a profound insight into both the theological aspects of Islam and current issues, such as the status of women, as well as practical aspects …