Introduction to ecopsychology Author: Marc Schmuziger Ecopsychology encompasses and integrates disciplines with each other. From shamanism to philosophy and systems theory to psychology and ecology. In order to dissolve the dualism in the thinking of Western societies and to open the view on the unity of life. This supposed separation led us to alienate ourselves …
Transpersonal Self
Inner wisdom and the longing for liberation Author: Dr. Sylvester Walch For the spiritual traditions and transpersonal psychology, we are far more than the personal-individual self that has continuously emerged throughout life. This cosmic self goes beyond the limited horizon of our individual personality. It is transpersonal and connects us to the great mystery. In …
The empty ego in Buddhism as a promise of happiness
An alternative understanding to the occidental tradition Author: Karl-Heinz Brodbeck The idea that there is nothing permanent in the world and that everything is destined to change and transience has always pained man. From this direct experience, Buddhism also draws the radical conclusion that there is neither a permanent ego – no I – nor …
Meditation and Spirituality from the Perspective of Ayurveda
What spiritual lifestyle traditional Ayurvedic scriptures recommend Author: Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede In Ayurveda, spirituality is understood as the pursuit of self-knowledge and ethical action. While this often equates in peoples minds with asceticism, the world-oriented Ayurveda finds practical ways to implement this in everyday life. Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede explains how important meditation and …
The transpersonal dimension of death
The question of the meaning of life Author: Dr. Sylvester Walch Dying is an indispensable part of human life. There is no way around it and it affects everyone. Yet in our society there is more silence about death than about any other topic. For transpersonal psychology, dying is an essential point of reference. For …
The Soul and the Poodle
How we can use our ego to awaken Autor: Veit Lindau Beyond a particular spiritual tradition, Veit Lindau outlines a non-conceptual and pragmatic understanding of the ego and attributes to it a weighty significance for our practical lives, our minds and our soul. Beyond this, there exists a longing, a calling within us that points …
Beguines, active mystics
Author: Anette Grießer In the Middle Ages there existed female Christian religious communities called Beguines. There women led a relatively self-determined life beyond marriage, motherhood and membership to a nunnery. These communities developed their own living mysticism, in which the encounter and union of the soul with God stood in the foreground. When the creation chapter …
High Sensitivity. What is it?
On people who are more sensitive than others Author: Jutta Nebel High Sensitivity is a phenomenon that has been enjoying popularity in recent years. Education helps both “affected” and “non-affected” people to find better ways of dealing with this characteristic. The nervous system of a Highly Sensitive person does not have the same filters as …