On the rehabilitation of a discredited reality Author: Dr. Dr. Klaus von Ploetz One of the most important guiding differences of our culture is inside-outside. The path of culture has so far been primarily a path to inwardness. This is expressed in many works of philosophy and religion from early times until today. Always the …
Mystical Freedom
Sufism in a global world Author: Ingo Taleb Rashid The German-Iraqi master of Sufism talks about renewing the tradition. Opening to other spiritual paths, Sufi dances and chants, God, clarity of direction, the path to inner peace, non-conformist mysticism. The role of the body in spirituality, art, and how to come to oneself through meditation …
Spanda – the vibration of life
A key concept for the exploration of ultimate reality and for the awakening of non-local, integrative consciousness Author: Nicolae Catrina Spanda is the highest vibration in Kashmir Shivaism. There they also call it the heart of God. In the Christian tradition it is the Holy Spirit, in physics it is the quantum state. This vibration …