
With horses on the inner path

With horses on the inner path

Author: Ronald Engert, Marga Reinke
In dealing with horses, we humans can learn a great deal about ourselves and our relationship with others. Horses are flight animals, i.e. they are very sensitive and sensitive to pressure. They lead us into pure being, into non-violent communication, into trust and they show us how leadership from the heart succeeds.

Before we start working with the horses, we meditate and go into inner silence. In this meditative state we meet the horses and ourselves. The horses help us to do this. It is a really beautiful experience when people start to resonate with each other. Healing happens without doing anything, through the pure presence, the pure essence of the horse. Silence is the basis of communication. The vibration of the horse connects with the vibration of the human being. A feeling of wholeness, relaxedness, divinity, groundedness, simplicity arises. It is often not a big experience at all. The horses are simply in the meadow, grazing. They are content to do so. When you dock into that energy, you automatically come into that simplicity and downshift. This can linger long after your encounter with the horses.

Mit Pferden auf dem inneren Weg

I also work with leaders as a coach and when they lead this leadership mare, they can have an experience of their own leadership qualities because the horses always reflect back to you what you put in. If they go somewhere you don’t actually want to go, ask yourself, ‘Am I clear in my intention now? Where do I actually want to go now?’ The clearer you are with yourself, the clearer the horse will be with you. This is a very helpful and clarifying experience for your own personality. It is all about being with the horse.

I do not apply any methods or techniques.

Non-doing is a difficult thing for people to do in this day and age. But non-doing is the basis when we are with the horses. In non-doing we are so confronted with ourselves.


Mit Pferden auf dem inneren Weg

It’s more about connecting with yourself and going into a space where you lead in partnership with the animal, giving the animal the trust that what is happening is right. Trust is the key word. How can an animal trust you if you don’t trust yourself? That’s exciting, because that’s where processes naturally occur. You just don’t need to do much, it’s more about what’s coming up now in that moment. Are you afraid? Can you relax right now? Where is your positioning? Do you need more space? Do you dare let the horse sniff your head? It can also be good to increase your distance.

When you work with horses, you also need to work on yourself. You can’t have one without the other.

Horses lead more gently and clearly. When we lead the horse, it’s about giving him space. The normal ratio would be to simply pull the horse behind you or drive it with the whip. It’s leading and being led. You let the mare lead you because she first wants to know if you are in your power. The horse then goes where it wants and you let it go, but stay where you are. At that point you already start to deal with your feelings. In our normal work and business world, that’s not common. But that gives much more joy, heart, humanity and success. Not everyone can lead. He can certainly do something else. It’s just a matter of knowing where you stand.

Ronald Engert

My experience with the horse Aleeshane

Marga Reinke is an animal communicator. Not far from Potsdam in the countryside she has a paddock where her three horses stand: two mares, Aleeshane and Beltane, and a young two-year-old stallion named Rumi. All three horses have never been ridden. Marga, who worked for 25 years as a social pedagogue, artist and body therapist, among other things, leads me to the paddock and introduces me to the horses. It is about mindful encounter, fine feeling and inner clarity of intention. “Horses are like mirrors,” she says. The horses pick up on your feeling, they reflect your inner emotional state. It’s not about training or controlling them. It’s about having a dialogue at eye level.

Meine Erfahrung mit dem Pferd Aleeshane

We went there by car and already from a distance the animals knew that Marga was there. At the paddock she calls the horses wordlessly, with a hand gesture. Leisurely they trot up from a distance. With me they are still cautious, because they do not know me, but I am also uncertain, but interested. I am not afraid of the big animals, but I also keep a respectful distance when they come too close to me, because I haven’t had any contact with horses for many years.

Marga explains to me that Aleeshane is the lead mare. The lead mare has the lead in the group, even if there are stallions in the group. She gets the best place and the best grass, in return she leads the herd and pays attention to safety.

Horses are flight animals. They live in a completely different paradigm than humans, because humans are usually predators. A flight animal is cautious and has a very sensitive perception.

Der Autor Ronald EngertAbout the authors

Ronald Engert, born 1961. studied German, Romance languages and literature and philosophy, later Indology and Religious Studies at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/M. 1994 co-founded the journal Tattva Viveka, since 1996 publisher and editor-in-chief. 2017 Bachelor’s degree in Cultural Studies at Humboldt University Berlin. Author of “Good That I Exist. Diary of a Recovery” and “The Absolute Place. Philosophy of the Subject.”

Blog: / Journal:

Die Autorin Marga ReinkeMarga Reinke

Founder of HumanAnimalTrust, HumanAnimal communicator, coach, body therapist, rebalancin, Zen meditation instructor, painter, seminars and ongoing groups for women, meditative painting with horses. Website:

Note: As supplementary feed for the animals we recommend ‘Epana Maglit aktiv-LuP’ from Prignitzer Agrarhandel:

This article appeared originally on the German Homepage  Tattva Viveka: Mit Pferden auf dem inneren Weg

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