Author: Bartosz Werner
Through the experience of “shamanic death” in dreams, the Bartosz Werner opened up a new, spiritual dimension both in dreams and in his everyday life. In this third contribution to Transcendent Dreaming, he lets us participate in his shamanic dream work, in which, guided by spirit beings, he unfolds mystical talents such as the activation of the Third Eye and aura vision. His descriptions lead to the question: Does a subtle, spiritual world exist next to the material world? And is it possible to perceive it as a human being?

In the 83rd edition of Tattva Viveka, I discuss the mystical, spiritual and religious experiences related to “shamanic death” in dreams. Through my initiated ego-death in dreams, religious symbols increasingly appear, revealing to me my individual-religious connection to a higher power (within us). By focusing on the “active-passive rule” in my dreams, this radical reversal of my direction of movement in dreams gradually balances the subtle energy systems of my body.
Harmonizing my energy levels allows me to enter the realms of “sacred” light in my dreams.
As a reminder, by always changing my direction of movement 180 degrees in my dreams, I release my fears in deepest trust. When I run away from something, such as a ravenous dragon, I change my impulse to “flee” and face the consequences: I let it happen. Shamanic ego-death is initiated, and I reawaken on a deeper, transcendent level:
my dream ego experiences a form of resurrection.
This is accompanied by many mystical, spiritual and religious phenomena. In fact, there is no pain in this process, because one’s dream self is immortal and infinite – it is already a “spirit being.”
This radical reversal of my direction of movement leads to the fact that in a dream the dream figure Albert Einstein teaches me the “pendulum-in-the-head technique”. It is a very concrete movement in the head. It can be initiated, when one shifts the concentration from one half of the brain to the other: one continuously shifts the concentration from the left ear to the right ear and back – one “sways” back and forth in the head, so to speak, and if possible in any everyday situation.
Within the learning process that accompanies the radical reversal of my direction of movement in connection with the pendulum in my head, in my dreams the older or old symbols (grandparents, fathers, mothers and others) become younger – they lose their authoritarian power. Conversely, as a “child” I become more mature and older. Old and young, above and below, heaven and earth, woman and man come closer. Opposites lose their absoluteness and recognize the opposite. This applies to all opposites that are synchronized in me.
In this synchronization process, my thoughts become quieter in everyday life. And where the thoughts cease to be with me, “music” resounds. As the learning process continues, my thoughts become so quiet that I hear songs, melodies and music in my head more often in everyday life. From the point of view of science, the earworm, the melody in the head, is a mystery. So I hear beautiful, still unknown compositions in my dreams:
So it happens that sometimes I can compose a melody in my sleep. Although I have no talent for it at all and don’t know the melody. If you are a musician, you will find here a great source of inspiration. Paul McCartney is said to have composed the song “Yesterday” in his dreams. Not only is there increasing music in my dreams, but the characters start dancing with each other in circles – they synchronize. The music synchronizes opposites and types. Music belongs to the air element because it is transcendent and unifying harmony. This constant harmonization of the opposites leads in the dreams and transcendent dreams with me finally to the “composition” of my double.
A man and a woman are standing in front of me. They observe me attentively. I hold still and relax. This has the consequence that their bodies slowly dissolve and merge with each other. My double emerges from both body forms, but he looks somewhat younger than I do. I am surprised at the phenomenon. My double becomes afraid of me and flees. I run after him into his world, but there I lose him. He is much too fast. In his world I meet many personalities with supernatural powers who impress me. I stay with them to observe them with all their mental abilities.
To find out who my dream self really is, I have to follow the double into his world. In my experience, the journey to one’s own origin can only be made in pairs. In these lessons, which have a strong present tense character, it is necessary to acknowledge one’s own fears of exclusion, separation and rejection. Here I learn to make separations and partings. I allow for the painful separations in my past and acknowledge the goodbyes. It is necessary for the cycle of life to separate and connect. The more I face these basic fears resulting from my past and allow the separations, the less I will feel excluded and rejected in the present.
When I experience them, I deal with separation and rejection more calmly. My practical use for everyday life is, I react more calmly to rejections. My double, which emerged from the reconciliation of opposites, points me in the direction of my deepest past and thus to the basic pillars of my character. I come to the levels of selfless separation and letting go.
Therefore, the lessons with the Doppelganger for me are about not holding on to the feeling of unity and harmony. But acknowledging and accepting what is separative and also foreign in myself.
Only in this way is the both/and principle solidified in me. Thus it also expands my awareness of the “supernatural” dimension in me. In the last months I was allowed to gain new experiences with the pendulum in my head in my dreams. The pendulum in the head is more connected with the phenomenon of the third eye and the pineal gland than I suspected. Because the back and forth movement of the pendulum corresponds to an electrical impulse that rushes through the middle of the brain, I have the assumption that this recurring impulse stimulates my pineal gland. This is located as a small “bud” in the middle of the brain.
Consequently, I retroactively explain to myself the accumulation of mystical dreams through this meditation technique. Personally, I was always skeptical about the “phenomenal” powers of the pineal gland. However, I was allowed to devote myself more intensively to this borderline-scientific subject area through the next dream:
In the corridor of a hospital I follow a doctor. She tells me that people die by ten percent every seven years. I continue to listen because she gives me the advice that I should now move the “pendulum in my head” from front to back, as if I were pulling with a strong jerk – like rowing a canoe. She demonstrates the process to me again, using a rope as an example, which she grips with both hands and pulls strongly towards herself. I wake up.
I am surprised about the practical instruction and integrate this simple technique into my everyday life – for example while reading, watching a movie, driving a car, walking etc. During this pulling movement – which starts at the forehead, where I place my concentration on the forehead and then move this focus briskly to the back of the head with a “jerk” – the skin of the forehead contracts slightly. At the same time, the ears move slightly upward, as if “wiggling” the ears. I keep repeating this “rowing movement” in the head, at a steady, brisk pace.
About the Author
Bartosz Werner works as a director, author, dramaturge and lecturer for directing, conception and film dramaturgy at various technical colleges and media academies. In 2019, his non-fiction book “Transcendent Dreaming” was published, where he brings the shamanic ego death to the forefront of his dream work. This step allowed him to explore the dramaturgy of dreams in their depth. It also leads him to spiritual and mystical dimensions of his being.
Website of the book: www.transzendenter-traum.de
This article was originally published in the German Issue of Tattva Viveka No. 86: Transzendentes Träumen