Field bodies, quantum world and the weight of the soul
Author: Dr. Klaus Volkamer
Category: Biology
Issue No: 76
Material consciousness still largely determines scientific thinking today. The author, who holds a doctorate in physical chemistry, uses weighing experiments to show that the soul has a weight and thus becomes measurable. This raises profound questions about human existence, hitherto reduced as merely material. Reincarnation, illness or even organ transplantation appear in a new light through the research of fine matter.
The fine-material field body, which has been described purely subjectively as “aura” for a long time, regulates the entire biochemistry in the body, from the fertilized egg cell to death, where it then irreversibly separates from the coarse-material body – and lives on in a fine-material parallel universe. After evolutionary steps there, it can then realize itself again in a rebirth as a human being. It also causes the morphological formation of human beings, animals and plants. In addition, the human fine-material field body is an information memory (also with animal and plant), which has stored all experiences made in this and earlier life and causes released by the human being, which cause in the present and future as effects the respective individual “fate” (the karma). So we carry around in our (in the waking consciousness invisible, but with paranormal vision sometimes visible) field body, which also has a high mass and therefore energy content, so to speak as a personal library with us, without having a clue about it.

In laboratory experiments the proof of a so far unknown form of “fine-material matter” with real macroscopic mass content succeeded. Because of the existing, but only very weakly developed electromagnetic interaction of this type of matter with coarse matter systems, fine-material matter is not recognizable by the physiology of the senses, but due to a form-specific interaction with normal matter, especially at newly formed phase boundaries, fine-material matter can be detected on suitable detectors based on its real macroscopic mass content with sufficiently accurate working scales. From fixed stars and the sun a fine-material, non-electromagnetic form of radiation could be detected with the used detectors, which penetrates the vacuum of space as well as any normal matter unhindered. This clearly shows that subtle matter and its radiation forms are not known types of electromagnetic particle currents or radiations.
Since especially the cell membranes of living systems represent “newly formed phase boundaries” by their constant regeneration, the results of the fine-matter research let expect that living beings and also the human being carry fine-matter field structures with real macroscopic mass content as spatially extended “field bodies”. Effects of these field bodies could be proved especially at weight examinations of sleeping persons.
Questions about consciousness, spirit or life energy touch today last secrets of human research. Depending on the point of view, different, often purely phenomenological plausibility considerations and postulates are raised and more or less descriptive new terms are used. Purely scientifically, on the other hand, modern brain studies try to explain “consciousness” as an emergent “by-product” of dynamic neurological network processes of the cerebral cortex. But even this approach is not free of speculative assumptions. For one is ultimately faced with a problem similar to that of inferring intelligent TV program content and its emergence from the electronic hardware of a television set. A new, largely experimentally based approach to this is provided by fine materiality research. Because:
All experimental findings on fine-material matter prove that the fine-material field body in humans, animals and plants represents the respective individual consciousness.
In contrast to the “time-like” coarse-material elementary particles with point structure of high density known today according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, the proven quanta of the fine-material matter show complementary to it a “space-like”, i.e. spatially extended in the decimeter range, and moreover pulsating “field structure” with a density which is still lower by the factor 1000 than the air density under normal conditions.
Fine-material matter occurs in quantized form, where experimentally field quanta with a macroscopic real mass content with Planck mass mP = 21.7 μg (1 microgram = one millionth of a gram) were observed.
The absorption of fine matter at a coarse matter detector occurs via a “shape-specific” (“topological”) interaction at phase boundaries. The strength of the coupling of subtle matter to the detector is about a factor of 1015 stronger than gravitational coupling and a factor of 1024 weaker than electromagnetic binding.
A characteristic feature of subtle matter is, among other things, that its quanta can carry a negative or positive physical sign.
Fine-material quanta with positive or negative sign can unite themselves by a force effect existing between them among themselves to associates and build up with it three-dimensional structures, similarly as molecules can form themselves from atoms.
In this version, excerpts from the article are reproduced. The complete article is available in pdf ( 7 pages), which can be ordered below.
It is noteworthy, however, that a large number of positive and negative weight fluctuations are evident during sleep, some of which are highly significant beyond the ±20-g fluctuations. Especially the weight peaks marked with +90 g and -185 g in the sleep phase cannot be explained by body movements within the framework of classical mechanics. For example, the spread of the negative 185-gram peak at measurement point 764 shown in Fig. 1b shows only a negative deflection without a positive counterpeak, followed by a second negative peak, again without a positive counterpeak.

Such short-term weight decreases would only be possible in a “classical physical behavior” if a positive weight peak were generated by the sleeping person before the negative peak by a preceding and downward repulsion impulse on the scale or, for example, by rapid downward flapping of a previously very slowly lifted limb without impact on the bed base. However, such body movements did not occur in this sleep test.
This suggests that the marked peaks are due to another, a “non-classical factor”.
Fig. 2 shows corresponding measurement results of another sleep test with the same person sleeping in a quiet supine position on the bed scale. In this test, the weight jumped from zero (level A) to -100 g (B) a few minutes after falling asleep, then dropped by another -250 g to a total of -350 g (E). After a further jump of +250 g back to the B level, the body weight from position B was about 100 g to 160 g lower than the initial weight from level A to position C for about 23 minutes, with a slight drop due to moisture loss. The wake-up phase, recognizable by stronger weight fluctuations as a result of body movements, followed from about measuring point 1620. After this phase had subsided, the weight value increased again to level D, which corresponds to the initial value of level A, taking into account the loss of respiratory water.

The subtle matter approach can explain many phenomena where the materialistic model fails. Why, for example, do strange behavioral changes in recipients repeatedly occur in organ transplants? School biology is completely in the dark here. The subtle approach, on the other hand, sheds light on the mystery: the individual subtle fields of the organs contain in a self-similar way (fractal and holographic) the biologically/metabolically relevant information stored in the entire field body. In addition to the gross material structure and function of the transplanted organ, psychophysiologically effective information is therefore also transferred from the organ donor to the recipient via the transplanted subtle organ field and inserted into the recipient’s field body. A long-time vegetarian can therefore, for example, after receiving an organ from a passionate meat eater, suddenly feel an “inexplicable” craving for roast pork.

In addition, the question arises which role can be assigned to the macroscopic human field body with regard to the unconscious, psychosomatics or emotions and to what extent processes in the interaction of the fine-material field body with the gross-material body are of importance for the condition, health or illness of a person or for diagnostic or therapeutic medical questions. This opens up a wide field of research. Independent of these questions, which currently still need to be further clarified, the proof of the human field body can contribute to an expansion of today’s medicine and to the integration of subtle aspects of complementary medicine into modern health care, and provide an understanding of the fact that humans (like all living beings) are macroscopically
quantum mechanically with other subtle fields on earth or in the cosmos. For not only all living beings, but even the earth and all celestial bodies in the solar system and beyond carry gravitationally bound long-range subtle fields that can affect humans.

About the author
Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Volkamer, born in 1939, received a diploma in chemistry from the University of Munich. In 1969, he received his doctorate in physical chemistry from the University of Freiburg. There he received a scientific research award. From 1970 industrial activities with over 40 patents and six technical publications. Since 1985 freelance research on the subtle extension of the natural sciences. From 1985 to 1989 guest lecturer at the then university (MIU) in Fairfield, lowa, USA.
This article has also been published on the German Website: Hat der Physiker die Weltformel gefunden?