A key concept for the exploration of ultimate reality and for the awakening of non-local, integrative consciousness Author: Nicolae Catrina Spanda is the highest vibration in Kashmir Shivaism. There they also call it the heart of God. In the Christian tradition it is the Holy Spirit, in physics it is the quantum state. This vibration …
What is a subject?
The basic axiom of existence Author: Ronald Engert Based on the definition of the subject, which is an eternal individual self in a loving relationship with Goddess-God, the relationships between human beings also reveal themselves, because every living being is always a subject. Through our conditionality by space-time we learn to respect the other as …
On the trail of the primal ground of being
Are we more than the ego? Author: Ken Wilber In this interview, integral philosopher Ken Wilber shares his understanding of one of the most common themes of spiritual liberation paths: the experience of awakening and the realization of the non-dual, all-connected Self. At the same time, Wilber integrates the levels of consciousness that shape the …