From self-understanding to self-knowledge

On the profound meaning of healing in Ayurveda Author: Michael Rohrschneider Ayurvedic science shows us a way of life in harmony with nature. If we observe its laws, it helps us not only to physical healing, but moreover to true inner self-knowledge. Michael Rohrschneider knows that this requires more than just the accumulation of knowledge. …

The empty ego in Buddhism as a promise of happiness

An alternative understanding to the occidental tradition Author: Karl-Heinz Brodbeck The idea that there is nothing permanent in the world and that everything is destined to change and transience has always pained man. From this direct experience, Buddhism also draws the radical conclusion that there is neither a permanent ego  – no I – nor …

Meditation and Spirituality from the Perspective of Ayurveda

What spiritual lifestyle traditional Ayurvedic scriptures recommend Author: Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede In Ayurveda, spirituality is understood as the pursuit of self-knowledge and ethical action. While this often equates in peoples minds with asceticism, the world-oriented Ayurveda finds practical ways to implement this in everyday life. Prof. Dr. Martin Mittwede explains how important meditation and …