Free will, creative power and the good life

Introduction Author: Elisabeth Loibl Systems of domination and money fixation push what is actually elementary into the background. Namely the good life itself, our manifold relationships with each other and the appreciation of Mother Earth. But the question is how to achieve and lead a different way of life. Researchers on matriarchal societies and subsistence …

The life curve

Viktor Schauberger’s discovery of the levitation force Author: Ronald Engert Viktor Schauberger is considered one of the most important pioneers of “free energy”. This refers to unknown forms of energy generation which, unlike conventional methods, do not require expensive raw materials that pollute the environment. The free energy arises from the “life curve” – the …

The Underworld – The Realm of the Unconscious

A descent into the depths of the soul requires all heroic courage Autor: Clemens Zerling Already in ancient times, the motive of descending into the underworld is often found. From the Babylonian goddess Ištar to the Greek hero Odysseus. And finally to poor Orpheus, who wanted to bring his beloved back from the deep darkness. But …