A theology of humanity Author: Father Amseln Grün In his book “Spirituality from Below”, Father Anselm Grün explores the various facets of spirituality from below. He presents how this path, which leads down into our own humanity and earthiness, can at the same time mean the ascent to God. We present here some excerpts from …
The forgotten nature of money
Mammon’s long awaited return to the bosom of Mother Nature Author: Lothar Gütter “You cannot serve God and Mammon,” it says already in the Bible. Mammon, which has lost itself in a delimited world and has developed its own cancerous nature. This we use again today as a proper means, embedded in the cycle of …
Transgenerational Inheritance
The burden of wars in the generations after Author: Marina Stachowiak Wars and authoritarian upbringing lead to severe transgenerational traumas in children and also adults. These traumas are also passed on to the next generation. Psychologically burdening people, often without understanding the connection. The new discipline of epigenetics shows that these traumas can also be …
Dreams are the workshop of spiritual life
What dreams can tell us about our lives Author: Ortrud Grön We dream, but only when we understand the language of dreams do we realise that we are being dreamed. Who speaks to us in our dreams and how can the language of dreams be unravelled and interpreted? The author, a dream researcher, dedicates herself …
Investigations in the “inner foreign country”
The Freudian Concept of the Unconscious Author: Dr. Wolfgang Hegener Sigmund Freud shaped our understanding of the unconscious like no other psychoanalyst. At this non-place within each human being he localized the instinctive, the repressed and the suppressing. As well as the various ego instances beyond the conscious ego. Almost 120 years ago, Sigmund Freud …
Transcendent Dreaming
The Adventurous Journey to the Origin of Our Being Author: Bartosz Werner Can we grow spiritually in dreaming and come closer to our pure, immortal self? Yes, says the author, by freeing ourselves from our fear of death and lovingly accepting it in our dreams. Already ancient cultures speak of this „initiatory death“ in which …