Introduction Author: Elisabeth Loibl Systems of domination and money fixation push what is actually elementary into the background. Namely the good life itself, our manifold relationships with each other and the appreciation of Mother Earth. But the question is how to achieve and lead a different way of life. Researchers on matriarchal societies and subsistence …
Stealing Fire
Prometheus as a dubious hero of the Silicon Valley elite Author: Johanna Schacht Mankind considers Prometheus from the Greek myth actually a hero. They even admire him. Here now he appears in a different light, namely as a thief of knowledge and insight that he stole from Pandora, the Great Goddess – an unjust cultural …
At the beginning there was a mother
The Matriarchal Paradigm (Part 2) Author: Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth In the second part of our conversation with the founder of Modern Matriarchal Studies, Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth, we talked about unreflective structures of domination and hierarchy in our society. How patriarchy origined, and how the matriarchal paradigm, with its view that everything is animate and interconnected, …
The forgotten nature of money
Mammon’s long awaited return to the bosom of Mother Nature Author: Lothar Gütter “You cannot serve God and Mammon,” it says already in the Bible. Mammon, which has lost itself in a delimited world and has developed its own cancerous nature. This we use again today as a proper means, embedded in the cycle of …