Universal spirituality and the crisis of science

The dawn of integration on a new level Author: Prof. Dr. Fyodor N. Kozyrev Philosopher of religion Kozyrev points out the similarities between Christian faith and modern science. Both demarcate themselves from pagan and Gnostic ideas about material reality as animate or divine. Natural science, which today rejects religion as false, would not have come …

The healing knowledge of the Sangoma

The treatment of trauma and psychological crises through spiritual wisdom Author: Gogo Ekhaya Sangoma are African spiritual healers who can communicate with spirit beings. They  find solutions to problems in the areas of psyche, health, relationships and everyday life in dream and trance states. Much of what Western medicine consideres mental illness is an initial …

Depth Ecology

Healing feelings and the power of connectedness Author: Andreas Schelakovsky, Mag. Sabine Rohart What can we do to heal our relationship to the earth? Depth ecology points to a path that goes through our feelings. Whereby it is not about feeling only “beautiful” things, but about going into the depths. There, on the one hand, …