The true nature of plants and people Author: Amira Meyer Modern life shows remarkable progress, from education to medicine to technologies. At the same time, environmental degradation and exploitation of nature and its plants are growing. What has happened? Man has lost contact with the Earth Soul and its entities, and thus with himself. With …
Depth Ecology
Healing feelings and the power of connectedness Author: Andreas Schelakovsky, Mag. Sabine Rohart What can we do to heal our relationship to the earth? Depth ecology points to a path that goes through our feelings. Whereby it is not about feeling only “beautiful” things, but about going into the depths. There, on the one hand, …
The Revolution of Compassion
An appeal to the human family Author: Dr. Franz Alt No one can say what the future will look like, considering of the many crises that humanity is currently experiencing. At the same time, times of crisis are times when different, innovative decisions are made and implemented that can change the course of events. The …