The importance of mind and soul for healing Author: Verona Gerasch Spiritual healing and naturopathy, empathy and “placebo” have an effect. More and more studies show this. Modern research confirms the importance of thoughts and feelings as well as touch and contact. Equally important is the belief in the possibility of healing. Old medical virtues …
Research and practical application Author: Silvia Siegenthaler The millennia-old practice of meditating has been the subject of scientific interdisciplinary research for about 30 years, with the aim of gaining deeper insights into how the brain works. This scientific rationale opens up many new possibilities for application in professional disciplines to sustain the positive effects of …
The sound of life
The pure vibration within us Author: Dr. Eva-Marie Heyde In the beginning was the sound, not the word or the letter. Sound is the primary felt principle of all being. Feeling comes before thought. We can feel the pure vibration within us, it makes us aware of discords outside and in the world. A spiritual …
From high sensitivity to quantum physics
The discovery of a new kind of human being Author: Birgit Trappmann The author studied high sensitivity scientifically for many years and associates it with two different modes of perception. There is the analytic-serial and the holistic. She distinguishes two types of people, the sensory and the sensitive, they are as fundamentally different as man …
Investigations in the “inner foreign country”
The Freudian Concept of the Unconscious Author: Dr. Wolfgang Hegener Sigmund Freud shaped our understanding of the unconscious like no other psychoanalyst. At this non-place within each human being he localized the instinctive, the repressed and the suppressing. As well as the various ego instances beyond the conscious ego. Almost 120 years ago, Sigmund Freud …
The Trademark of Spirituality
New ways to Enlightenment Author: Prof. Dr. Markolf Niemz The physicist Prof. Dr. Niemz shows on the basis of three comprehensible examples how scientific knowledge and spiritual inspirations mutually fertilize each other. Both support humans to explore the connections of the inner and outer cosmos and possibly to understand them a little better. A plea …