How we can reach transcendence Author: Ronald Engert Especially in today’s world, sexuality is becoming more and more important and is sometimes seen as the highest thing we humans can experience. However, there are joys of the soul beyond this, which go far beyond sexuality. Sex is not everything in the world. But sometimes it …
The eternal soul – myth or reality?
Is there a spiritual existence of man? WHAT IS THE SOUL OF A MAN? Basically, the German language does not clearly define the concept of the soul. There are different aspects of the human being, which we call partly soul, partly spirit. Specifically, the term is most often associated with one or both of the …
What is a subject?
The basic axiom of existence Author: Ronald Engert Based on the definition of the subject, which is an eternal individual self in a loving relationship with Goddess-God, the relationships between human beings also reveal themselves, because every living being is always a subject. Through our conditionality by space-time we learn to respect the other as …