A process of integration
Author: Dr. Thomas Anton Weis
Category: Spirituality in general
Issue No: 93
Following the principle “As in the small, so in the large”, the author dedicates himself to the study of the hand from an associative perspective. In doing so, he assigns three forces to it: will, love-wisdom and intelligence. In the following, you will learn how he arrives at these comprehensible insights and how we can become aware of them and make use of them.

Sharing as a synthesis of art and spirituality
From what we can see, humanity is going through a profound crisis. The understanding of reality of consuming and possessing at the expense of nature and other people is proving to be more and more problematic. This is accompanied by existential threats. As long as we think we have a choice, to share everything, we live in a state of threat and confusion.
Sharing, so the thesis goes, is the transformative force that is inherent in creation as a condition of existence. Sharing derives from the spiritual interconnectedness of all that is.
Sharing regulates the becoming and the interplay between spirit and matter, between cosmic and earthly forces. As human beings, we have the choice to work together with the forces of creation or against them. In the first case we evolve collectively, in the second case we end up in destruction. The global situation can be described as energy congestion because the mentality of humanity holds up cosmic forces and delays earthly developments. Sharing means creating healthy living conditions on Earth for all. This is a Herculean task, also for creativity.
This creativity and access to the elemental forces of creation is inherent as hidden potential in all human beings.
This article aims to raise awareness of this in the construction and use of one’s own hand.

First of all, a remark on the genesis of this article: It is the result of 20 years of work on the subject and at the same time a collaborative work. This goes hand in hand with the collaboration with the artist Paul Degen, and the hand drawings have emerged from this. The motif: How can the hand become a source of inspiration for spiritual knowledge? At the same time, this was to be a homage to Leonardo da Vinci. An important phase of the occupation was the writing collaboration with Thorsten Wiesmann. Here the aim was to explore the principle of sharing in connection with the teachings of timeless wisdom. The fruit of this collaboration was two books and several articles on sharing. Passages of this article are taken from them.
The Will Aspect of the Hand
According to the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom, the three primal spiritual forces of Will, Love-Wisdom and Intelligence bring forth reality.
It is the understanding of the triune structure of creation. If these elemental forces are so fundamental, then they should show themselves in the structure of the hand. And if sharing itself is so fundamental, then it should be found in the use of the hand.
For the hand is an organ that connects the inner with the outer reality.
It is through the hand that man brings forth his outer reality.
The first primal energy of the will is contained in life itself. Thus the will to live is implanted in the breath. Through this life-sustaining function, the will is seen as the ability to make power available, to concentrate it and to direct it towards a goal. In relation to the hand, the clenching of the fist comes to mind. The fist is considered the first human striking weapon, from which – as researchers assume – the threatening gesture developed. Derived from this, the clenched fist gains significance as a symbol in political iconography, for example in the course of the Labouré movement or during protests.

These are all first indications of the relationship of the hand clenched into a fist to the will. The essence of the will principle is most revealingly shown in the hand in the movement that leads to the fist. In order for the fist to come into being, the fingers must join together. This is how the closed unity of the fingers comes about. The pull towards unity, towards the synthesis of the good, is the misunderstood creative effect of the will. The fingers originate from a common root, the palm. In this way, the hand with the five fingers symbolises the splitting of unity and the reference back to it. As dividing individuals, people behave like fingers that join together and thus together potentiate their individual power. To remain in the image: Each human being is like a single finger and can experience itself separately from others. And just as the finger is connected to the other fingers via the carpus, a human being can experience himself as part of a larger unity to which he is inseparably connected.
These are excerpts from the article.
The way in which the fingers of a hand resemble a curling spiral and what this has to do with the transition into a higher dimension is impressively presented by the author in the full article published in Tattva Viveka 93. Also available individually for download as ePaper for 2,00 € (Pdf, 8 pages).
About the author:
Author Dr. Thomas Anton Weis
Dr. Thomas A. Weis studied psychology and education at the University of Tübingen and earned his doctorate in social and behavioural sciences on fantasy in children. After an extended period as a trainer, consultant and coach in business in Germany and abroad, he now works as a psychologist and relaxation therapist in the health sector.
Weis, Thomas/Wiesmann, Thorsten: Die kulturprägende Kraft des Teilens. Social creativity, groupthink, the economy of connectedness. Publisher: Books on Demand (2014) 272 pages.
Wiesmann, Thorsten/Weis, Thomas: Sharing: The unity of science, art and spirituality. Kindle eBook (2013) 268 pages
This article appeared originally on the German Homepage of Tattva Viveka: Teilen als Synthese von Kunst und Spiritualität