The emergence of a new multidimensional world view
What is quantum physics?
The double-slit experiment
Religion and Science
Morphic fields, protyposis and conscious creation
Spiritual healing and information medicine
Man as a multidimensional creator being
What is Quantum Physics?
Quantum physics studies the world of quanta, the smallest parts of matter. In doing so, it has discovered that not everything in the subatomic world is mechanically right. Quanta often behave in contradiction to classical physics.
More than 100 years ago, Albert Einstein and Max Planck refuted the mechanical world view that prevailed at the time, even though they themselves could hardly believe it. Great physicists such as Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Peter Dürr, winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize, are following in their footsteps and developing “a paradigm of the living.

The double-slit experiment
This experiment is the most momentous for the confirmation of quantum theory. If waves, for example coherent light waves, are allowed to pass through an aperture with two narrow, parallel slits, an interference pattern appears on an observation screen. This pattern is created by diffraction of the wave propagation at the double slit. The experiment was performed by Thomas Young in 1802 to give the wave theory of light precedence over the corpuscular theory. Today it is used in particular to illustrate wave-particle duality in quantum mechanics. It can be performed not only with light, but also with particles (electrons, neutrons). The interference patterns observed in the process show that even objects that are considered only as particles in classical physics have wave properties.
Religion and Science
With the Enlightenment, religious thinking was sharply separated from scientific thinking. Only what was measurable and visible was considered scientific, and still is for the most part. This thinking is often attributed to René Descartes, although on close reading this one-dimensional interpretation seems questionable. A historical account of the history of ideas, which represents our unconscious framework of thinking and values, can be found here:
Morphic fields, protyposis and conscious creation
It is ironic that the hard sciences must be the first to integrate into their paradigm the long ridiculed metaphysical components of life.
In a two-part article, Prof. Dr. Thomas and Dr. Brigitte Görnitz provide an overview of the current situation in quantum physics. In quantum physics, “information” plays a central role. It is a non-material category that acts on matter. Quantum information “is an informational, mental structure that we can regard as the basic structure of reality.”
In particular, with their theory of protyposis, the researcher and husband and wife team have laid out the most comprehensive theoretical model of quantum physics to date. The mind is not a mere brain function, but the central building block of life.
Another central insight is the theory of “morphogenetic fields” by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake. This one sacrificed even his scientific career in the academic circles for this realization. There these theories are – in spite of many proofs – a taboo break.
Nevertheless, courageous scientists from different disciplines and from all over the world have joined forces to call for a new scientific paradigm.
Spiritual Healing and Information Medicine
Due to the materialistic world view, body and mind have been separated. However, medicine and spiritual knowledge belong inseparably together. Illness can also have a spiritual message that can lead us back to ourselves and our divine soul path.
However, there is a danger in looking only at the spiritual side. We also live in a material world. There are toxic substances, genetic manipulation and many other things that man, separated from God, has come up with. This can also make us sick. So it would be wrong to blame only ourselves for an illness. We must learn to distinguish precisely and not reject matter, but integrate it.
Spiritual healing and naturopathy, empathy and “placebo” have an effect. More and more studies show this. Modern research confirms the importance of thoughts and feelings as well as the personality of the healer, doctor or therapist. Equally important is the belief in healing.

Man as a multidimensional creator being
Quantum physics as well as spiritual writings show us that we are creators of our reality. However, there are some things to keep in mind when implementing these insights.
Not only thoughts, but especially thoughts in combination with emotions can cause changes. In addition, this takes practice and a contact with our unconscious must be established in order to truly draw from the “sea of all possibilities.”
When we are born into this world, we usually learn the emotional and thought patterns of our family and even ancestors without even realizing it. Consequently, imagining things in one’s mind alone is not enough to access the inexhaustible potential that lies within us. It requires courage, perseverance in coming to terms with psychological as well as socio-cultural imprints. Besides, there are also other people who constantly co-create, so that we should be warned against an overly egoistic fantasy of omnipotence.
Today, however, there is actually the possibility to put ourselves into the whole power of our divine self and to serve life. Quantum physics in co-creation with psychology, sociology and philosophy can provide us with helpful information to implement this even better and truly build paradise on earth.
Pay attention to your thoughts, because they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
from the Talmud, the oral teaching of the laws and religious traditions of Judaism after the Babylonian Captivity.
This article has also been published on the German Website: Quantenphysik und Quantentheorie