Consciousness of creativity Author: Kun Ya Andrea Schmidt Co-creativity is not just about me and the other, but draws from an integral consciousness in harmony with the whole environment. As an architect, the author draws particular attention to collaboration with the earth in the design of a building. Or does the place even want to …
How the space you live in supports your life goals
Vastu, the knowledge of healthy living and building Author: Dr. Hans H. Rhyner Studies show that nowadays we spend on average about 90 percent of our time in closed rooms and space. Shouldn’t we feel as comfortable as possible there and create a lifting indoor climate? Dr. Hans H. Rhyner reveals how we can use …
Transpersonal Self
Inner wisdom and the longing for liberation Author: Dr. Sylvester Walch For the spiritual traditions and transpersonal psychology, we are far more than the personal-individual self that has continuously emerged throughout life. This cosmic self goes beyond the limited horizon of our individual personality. It is transpersonal and connects us to the great mystery. In …
The ego is not the enemy
A nuanced look into the human psyche Author: Benedict Newton The ego is often seen as an obstacle on a spiritual path. But the problem is rather its disharmonious development, not the ego itself. Benedict Newton shows this by using Sigmund Freud’s structural model of the psyche and Indian yoga teachings. What is the ego …
The empty ego in Buddhism as a promise of happiness
An alternative understanding to the occidental tradition Author: Karl-Heinz Brodbeck The idea that there is nothing permanent in the world and that everything is destined to change and transience has always pained man. From this direct experience, Buddhism also draws the radical conclusion that there is neither a permanent ego – no I – nor …
On the trail of the primal ground of being
Are we more than the ego? Author: Ken Wilber In this interview, integral philosopher Ken Wilber shares his understanding of one of the most common themes of spiritual liberation paths: the experience of awakening and the realization of the non-dual, all-connected Self. At the same time, Wilber integrates the levels of consciousness that shape the …
The Soul and the Poodle
How we can use our ego to awaken Autor: Veit Lindau Beyond a particular spiritual tradition, Veit Lindau outlines a non-conceptual and pragmatic understanding of the ego and attributes to it a weighty significance for our practical lives, our minds and our soul. Beyond this, there exists a longing, a calling within us that points …
Transcendent Dreaming
The Adventurous Journey to the Origin of Our Being Author: Bartosz Werner Can we grow spiritually in dreaming and come closer to our pure, immortal self? Yes, says the author, by freeing ourselves from our fear of death and lovingly accepting it in our dreams. Already ancient cultures speak of this „initiatory death“ in which …